sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

The best weight bar exercises

all about bar brothers

Not a gym nearby? You do not have any material on hand ? No more excuses ! So I go back to skip training for any of these reasons , here is a video with 44 exercises with your own body weight.A chin-up bar , a bank and a Fitball exercises we are all to do with body weight for this video . I have been surprised with the physical form of the record guy, but I 'm sure that when we get down to business , we do most of the trains , is not it?In the video you can see a number of variations of the bending : A hand Superman pushups, clap ... 
Everything you strongly want toned pecs .The legs can also get practice with exercises such as squats or pistol one leg squats , lunges or jumping another exercise to tighten your quadriceps and glutes combines aerobic workout.The arms and back takes a good job with all exercises of the dominated splitting: for me the most impressive dominated flank , for work, so isolateral .Finally, the entire area of ​​the core plays an essential role in all exercises to maintain stability , but especially those that raising the lower body, while we hang on the pull-up bar : These exercises work all the rectus abdominis muscle.How many of these exercises you can do ? And what is your favorite?

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